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Home What's New Mission Workspace Events Key Work Content Resources & References Funding IPR The Team

Open Ontology Repository (OOR) Initiative - Home Page

Goto an OOR instance: [ OOR-sandbox ] . [ SOCoP ] . [ COLORE ] . [ Ontohub ] . [ MMI-ORR ] . [ BioPortal ] . [ Sigma-KEE ]

The OOR Mission

Priorities & Most Critical Tasks At Hand

updated: 2012.07.10

  • 1. Systematically engage other communities to advance the state-of-the-art as well as to solicit content contributions
    • collaborate and solicit content contributions from the communities engaging in ontology research, development, engineering and applications
    • collaborate and solicit content contributions from the communities engaging in digital content and knowledge organization structures
  • 2. Identify compelling and relevant reference implementations and use cases of OOR, with a focus on demonstrating the application and value of OOR
    • consider possibilities in: bigdata, standards, ... bridging db-schema, xml, uml, ...
  • 3. Prepare and adopt an OOR system architecture
    • define and adopt a set of API's
    • define and adopt the set of ontology metadata (as an extension of OMV) that authors of the ontology are required to provide when they upload ontologies to the OOR
    • define and adopt a core development platform
  • 4. Initiate implementation of key development priorities
    • build out "gatekeeping" and move from just having an OOR-sandbox to having available instances of an OOR-sandbox and an OOR-production
    • add CL support to OOR
    • federation
  • 5. get the work of this team funded; and help/support/coordinate members' teaming up and getting funded
    • start a regular "Funding" workshop series (just like Architecture+API, Metadata, Code-development, etc.)
  • 6. continue with efforts in publicity and outreach
    • systematically get OOR-related presentations and papers into pertinent conferences and workshops
  • 7. set up policies and process for contributing to OOR work
    • setup clear and easy policies and process to engage developers and have them contribute code
    • getting ourselves into a position where team members can contribute code
  • 8. regularly review requirements and existing standards to make sure we are on track

What's New

. . .

  • Month of August_2013 - no community events planned ... Have a wonderful summer break!
  • 2013_07_30 - Tuesday: OOR Hackathon-III: The "OOR-Ontohub-Gatekeeper API - 3" Hackathon Session - Co-chairs: Till Mossakowski & Ken Baclawski - [[[OOR/ConferenceCall_2013_07_30]]
  • 2012_09_20 - Thursday: Joint CL-IAOA-Ontolog virtual discussion session: "Revision of the Common Logic Standard" - Chair: Michael Grüninger - ConferenceCall_2012_09_20
  • 2012_07_17 - Tuesday: Joint IAOA-OOR-Ontolog "Ontologies and Standards" mini-series session-3: "Standardisation Coordination and Ontology Repositories" - Co-chairs: Michael Grüninger & John Bateman - ConferenceCall_2012_07_17
  • 2011_10_20 - Thursday: Joint IAOA-OOR-Ontolog "Ontologies and Standards" mini-series session-1: Introducing the ISO NP 17347 "Ontology Integration and Interoperability (OntoIOp)" Standardization Effort - Co-chairs: John Bateman & Michael Grüninger - ConferenceCall_2011_10_20
  • 2010_10_15 - Friday: OOR Project Team Member Conference Call - discussion on the (post-BioPortal fork) OOR Architecture and API - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_10_15
  • 2010_09_30 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-3: discussion and consensus on licensing arrangements for the OOR Initiative, and positions we might take on related IPR issues - chair: Leo Obrst - Panelists: Peter P. Yim, Mike Dean, Bruce Perens, JamieClark - ConferenceCall_2010_09_30
  • 2010_09_16 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-2: what are the IPR issues relating to open ontology repositories (and ontologies in general)? - Chair: Mark Musen - Panelists: Cameron Ross, Alan Rector, John F. Sowa, Bruce Perens, John Wilbanks, Peter P. Yim - ConferenceCall_2010_09_16
  • 2010_09_09 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-1: an exposition on relevant IPR regimes - Keynote speaker: George Strawn - Chair: Peter P. Yim - Panelists: JamieClark, John Wilbanks, Bruce Perens - ConferenceCall_2010_09_09
  • 2010.05.31 Monday - ORES 2010: the 1st International Workshop on Ontology Repositories and Editors for the Semantic Web co-located with ESWC 2010 (30 May ~ 2 Jun 2010, Heraklion, Greece)
  • 2010.02.12 - OOR-sandbox v2.1 (powered by the NCBO BioPortal v2.1 technology) is now online at: - the community is invited to upload your open ontologies there and help test out this public OOR instance - kindly provide feedback to our mailing list(s)
  • 2010.01.22 - Announcement: our 2nd installation of the (public instance of) OOR-sandbox, running BioPortal v2.x) is now being staged at the url: (once this install stablizes, it be moved to our ongoing OOR-sandbox url and replace the earlier install running BioPortal v1.x) ... Developers and users are encouraged to test the install out, and report any problem to the [oor-forum] (user issues) or [oor-dev] (software bugs and issues) mailing list.
  • 2009_10_25~29 - OOR presentations and get together during ISWC 2009 - see: OOR/ISWC2009
  • 2009_07_16 - Thursday: Joint Ontolog-OOR Panel Discussion: "Integrated tools for ontology development and management: A field guide to the Stanford technology" - Chair: Mark Musen - Panelists: Tania Tudorache, Tim Redmond, Natasha Noy - ConferenceCall_2009_07_16
  • 2009_04_16 - Thursday: OOR Use Cases Discussion Session - Chair: Katherine Goodier - ConferenceCall_2009_04_16
  • 2009.02.19 - Our first public sandbox instance of an OOR, based on the NCBO BioPortal technology (and donated by an joint effort of NCBO, Stanford-BMIR and CIM3) is now online - see:
  • 2008_01_03 - Thursday: Open Ontology Repository initiative - Planning Meeting - Co-conveners: Peter P. Yim, Leo Obrst & Mike Dean - ConferenceCall_2008_01_03

Key Date(s) to Note

(insert content below)

Project Mission

The charter of the Open Ontology Repository (OOR) Initiative is to the promote the global use and sharing of ontologies by:

  • 1. establishing a hosted registry-repository;
  • 2. enabling and facilitating open, federated, collaborative ontology repositories, and
  • 3. establishing best practices for expressing interoperable ontology and taxonomy work in registry-repositories.
(ref. )

... where,

"An ontology repository is a facility where ontologies and related information artifacts can be stored, retrieved and managed."

Note that the "Open Ontology Repository (OOR) Initiative" is supposed to be an independent effort, and is only being incubated in the Ontolog collaborative work environment, for the time being.

Current Action Items (responsible/champion)

  • All members who don't yet have a populated "namesake page" on this wiki to put their respective affiliation, (obfuscated) email address and bio's there.
  • All active members to enumerate what they are ready to 'bring to the table' with respect to this initiative.

Project Work-in-Progress

We are in the process of establishing the following

  • OpenOntologyRepository_Scope - documentation related to this OOR initiative's mission, charter, objectives, goals, terms of reference, definitions, scope, ... etc.

Project Plan

  • Establish Definitions and Scope
  • Approach & Process
  • Plan & Timeline
  • Deliverables & Deadlines

Discussion Archives, Shared-File Workspace & System Development Repository

  • Discussion (Mailing) Lists & Message Archives:
    • [oor-forum] - archives to the (e-mail list) discussion on the "Open Ontology Repository (OOR)" initiative -
      • to participate in the virtual discourse, please subscribe to this [oor-forum] list by sending an empty (no message body is needed) message to: oor-forum-join [at] ; alternatively, go to the list-info/maintenance page at: ... (email <peter.yim @> if you have any question.)
    • [oor-dev] - archives to the (e-mail list) discussion on the "Open Ontology Repository" platform/tools development -
      • to participate in the virtual discourse, please subscribe to this [oor-dev] list by sending an empty (no message body is needed) message to: oor-dev-join [at] ; alternatively, go to the list-info/maintenance page at: ... (email <peter.yim @> if you have any question.)
    • [oor-users] - archives to the (e-mail list) discussion among the "Open Ontology Repository" users -
      • to participate in the virtual discourse, please subscribe to this [oor-users] list by sending an empty (no message body is needed) message to: oor-users-join [at] ; alternatively, go to the list-info/maintenance page at: ... (email <peter.yim @> if you have any question.)

Conference Call, Meeting & Workshop

o Our team made a presentation with our history, status, OOR rationale and requirements, and a proposed roadmap at the Ontology Summit 2008 - see:

Key Content Pages for the OOR Initiative

Publications & References

Resources & References to Related Work

  • ...(put link here)...
    • ...(put description and other pertinent info here)...


  • The seeking of individual party or small team joint project funding proposals under the general OOR label is encouraged and has been rather successful. The following is a partial list of projects that were funded:

IPR Policy

see: the official OOR-IPR Policy as adopted by the team on 2010.12.17 after a series of meetings, consultations and discussions.

The Team

  • Observers: . . . those who are subscribed to the mailing list, but indicated their level of participation or responded to the meeting calls ... feel free to change your own membership category!

You are Invited to Join us in this Global OOR Initiative

Send any question you may have about this Initiative, or express your intent to join the team by emailing the OOR co-conveners:

Goto an OOR instance: [ OOR-sandbox ] . [ SOCoP ] . [ COLORE ] . [ Ontohub ] . [ MMI-ORR ] . [ BioPortal ] . [ Sigma-KEE ]

Home What's New Mission Workspace Events Key Work Content Resources & References Funding IPR The Team