
Ontolog Forum

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Number 14
Duration 1.5 hour
Date/Time Dec 01 2014 15:00 GMT
7:00 PST/10:00 EST
3:00pm BST/4:00pm CET
Convener MikeBennett

IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG

Meetings are normally on the first Monday of the month at these times.



AndreaWesterinen Ken Baclawski LeoObrst MikeBennett NaicongLi


[07:07] Mike Bennett: Discussion on how to deploy ontologies and if there is training information on this.

[07:07] Mike Bennett: Ken did a page on use cases for the Summit.

[07:07] Mike Bennett: This could be adapted to a more permanent resource.

[07:07] Andrea Westerinen: Where is the page now?

[07:07] Mike Bennett: We can start to collect examples of use cases, success stories.

[07:08] Mike Bennett: @Andrea there isn't a page for this week's call yet.

[07:08] Andrea Westerinen: No, the use case page.

[07:09] Andrea Westerinen: Regarding #1, I did supply a proposed first post...

[07:09] Andrea Westerinen: For the blog.

[07:10] Mike Bennett: Once you have an ontology how do you incorporate it into a semantic web application or any application?

[07:11] Andrea Westerinen: There are several APIs such as Sesame.

[07:11] Mike Bennett: For example do people have to write their own service.

[07:11] Andrea Westerinen: We use this as well as custom ones like Stardog's SNARL.

[07:12] Mike Bennett: THese APIs can do a range of things e.g. creating triples, adding something to a triple store, querying and so on.

[07:12] Mike Bennett: There are a number of libraries especially for Java.

[07:12] Mike Bennett: So the end user has to be able to pull all this together.

[07:12] Mike Bennett: Commercial tools integrate these and add their own stuff.

[07:13] Mike Bennett: For reasoning - for example in the past people have translated into Prolog

[07:13] Mike Bennett: There are not currently shrink wrapped solutions.

[07:13] Mike Bennett: So, is there anywhere where this is written?

[07:13] Andrea Westerinen: We have a very extensive application with Stardog and their SWRL (IF-THEN) rules. We create and test access control policies using reasoning!

[07:14] Mike Bennett: Some of the books cover this e.g. the BBN book.

[07:14] Mike Bennett: "Semantic Web Programming" by Hebler, Fisher et al (2009)

[07:14] Andrea Westerinen: The Stardog environment is fully documented at

[07:15] Mike Bennett: JENA is widely used but is not the most efficient.

[07:16] Mike Bennett: THere is a need for guidance on how to use these different APIs and what architectures to use, and how to put it all together.

[07:16] Andrea Westerinen: For Sesame, see

[07:17] Mike Bennett: There are a lot of good tools that enable you to create ontologies programatically, but you still need to know where to connect this up to other things.

[07:17] Mike Bennett: Wiki actions:

[07:18] Mike Bennett: This is still on the cim3 site, see Peter's email today, there will be a point where this moves to another URI.

[07:18] Mike Bennett: Ken and Leo will liaise on this.

[07:18] Mike Bennett: (back to architectures)

[07:18] Mike Bennett: Anrea's appplication is Java based, reasoning based use of ontologies.

[07:19] Mike Bennett: So, is there a repository for good tools people can use?

[07:19] Mike Bennett: Is there a write-up for several good use cases, showing how people put together their own systems?

[07:19] Mike Bennett: The Sesame environment is good, well documented and works with almost any triple store.

[07:20] Mike Bennett: to do a web portal for this, doyou have to write your own code?

[07:20] Mike Bennett: There are existing options for creating the web portal. Then you create SPARQL end points for that.

[07:21] Mike Bennett: So for a tutorial / knowledge base point of view, it's worth showing what people have successfully done and what tools were useful.

[07:21] Mike Bennett: This is a need for knowledge of what's out there and what's best to use in different settings.

[07:22] Mike Bennett: Including what real world applications are up and running.

[07:23] Mike Bennett: Proposal: we as the SWAO SIG would maintain a knowledge base of tools and architectures?

[07:23] Mike Bennett: Where would we put such a knowledge base? Needs to be more persistent than a blog entry.

[07:24] Mike Bennett: This would need to be some kind of page linked to from the SWAO web page.

[07:24] Mike Bennett: What would this look like?

[07:25] Mike Bennett: See e.g. what the W3C maintains. Would be a dedicated page on the semantic wiki linked to from the web page?

[07:25] Mike Bennett: Alternative: Wikipeda itself.

[07:25] Mike Bennett: The information currently on Wikipedia on this is sparse and inaccurate.

[07:26] Mike Bennett: We could do both, i.e. have a SWAO page and also pay attention to Wikipedia given its visibility.

[07:26] Mike Bennett: Proposal: we do both.

[07:27] Mike Bennett: We can also add links back to the SIG resource, in the REferences section of the relevant Wikipedia page, and (possibly) within the body of the Wikipedia text.

[07:28] Andrea Westerinen: However, the body of the wikipedia text is typically other wikipedia pages.

[07:29] Mike Bennett: So we agree we will have a resource that's under our control.

[07:30] Mike Bennett: We can cover the deployment aspects as per today's conversation, as well as the applied ontology / semantic web considerations.

[07:30] Mike Bennett: Next stepo:

[07:30] Mike Bennett: 1. Set out the goals of the page.

[07:30] Andrea Westerinen: And the layout

[07:31] Mike Bennett: SCope

[07:31] Andrea Westerinen: Also we should decide what wikipedia pages to hit/affect.

[07:32] Mike Bennett: ACtion: Andrea will identify the relevant wikipedia pages

[07:33] Andrea Westerinen: We could also compile a list of recommended reading/books.

[07:33] Mike Bennett: Mike will make a first cut on scoping. Start with a broad scope and not limit

[07:35] Mike Bennett: The above covers items 5 and 6 on the agenda...

[07:35] Mike Bennett: And straight into Item 3 tutorial on all this.

[07:37] Andrea Westerinen: Welcome to the new IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology blog. The goal of this blog is to encourage dialog about ontologies, their use (and misuse), their application in various areas such as Big Data, and more. Basically, any question, problem or ontology-related topic may be posted in order to get the insights and opinions of the experts. And remember that the "experts" include you! Take a minute to contribute and come back to engage and learn.

[07:37] Mike Bennett: Item 1:

[07:37] Mike Bennett: See above

[07:39] Mike Bennett: Consensus: Do we agree on this above draft? If so we will send it out.

[07:39] Mike Bennett:

[07:39] Mike Bennett: is the link that will accompany that email.

[07:41] Mike Bennett: Action: Naicong can add a link to this from the SWAO website

[07:41] Mike Bennett: Consensus: Yes to the email text.

[07:42] Mike Bennett: THe text above would also be the text on the blog so it's what you see when you land there.

[07:43] Mike Bennett: Then as discussed previously let's get people posting questions to get the conversation going.

[07:44] Mike Bennett: Action: Mike can post something which raises some questions and get a conversation going.

[07:45] Mike Bennett: Action: Existing admins needed to Add Author.

[07:46] Mike Bennett: Should be able to do that using their existing gmail addresses.

[07:47] Mike Bennett: People should send their gmail address or Blogger ID to Mike if it's not the one they already post from on the SWAO mailer.

[07:47] Mike Bennett: AOB:

[07:48] Mike Bennett: Membership of IAOA: these expire in December

[07:48] Mike Bennett: The requirement to not incur charges for the recieving end, can be met by using Visa or Mastercard on line.

[07:49] Mike Bennett: Reminder to members of this SWAO SIG to renew their membership (or join) if possible.

[07:50] Mike Bennett: Action: As soon as the above text is posted on the Blog, Andrea will send an email to the SWAO circulation and/or the wider IAOA circulation

[07:50] Mike Bennett: Decision: this will go to the wider IAOA circulation list.

[07:52] Mike Bennett: Gentle Introduction to Ontologies - Mark Fox will start some work on this in December

[07:53] Mike Bennett: Item 4 Issue in Journal of Applied Ontology:

[07:53] Mike Bennett: See Andrea's email on this.

[07:53] Andrea Westerinen: -----------------------------------

CFP: IAOA Journal of Applied Ontology Special Issue on the Role of Ontologies in Linked Data, Big Data and Semantic Web Applications

The IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) Special Interest Group welcomes the submission of papers (up to xx pages) discussing the role of ontologies in the areas of Linked Data, Big Data and the Semantic Web. Our goal is to collect a diverse set of practical, methodological and research-oriented papers concerned with the use of ontologies in support of these areas, with a focus on addressing problems and gaps found there. Expanding on the topics highlighted in the Ontology Summit 2014 Communique, submissions should be concerned with:

  • The role that ontologies play (or can play) in Linked Data, Big Data and Semantic Web Applications
  • Engineering of ontologies to address performance, scalability, data variety and integration issues
  • Sharing and reuse of ontologies within and across application or domain areas
  • Automation and tooling in support of ontology development

Papers should be formatted according to style guidelines (?) of the IAOA Journal of Applied Ontology and submitted to xxxx.

Important dates

  • xxx, 2015: Submission Deadline
  • xxx, 2015: Notification to Authors
  • xxx, 2015: Camera-ready Due

[07:54] Mike Bennett: Comments?

[07:54] Mike Bennett: Guidelines on submission - see IAOA website

[07:55] Mike Bennett: Need a website for people to submit to.

[07:55] Mike Bennett: We need to make sure the journal editors agree to do it, and agree dates.

[07:55] Mike Bennett: All the submission requirements are already in place.

[07:56] Mike Bennett: Consensus: all agree the above?

[07:56] Mike Bennett: Discussion: long and short papers, just long, how many pages etc.

[07:56] Mike Bennett: Proposal: long and short, and up to 10 or 12 pages.

[07:57] Mike Bennett: We need to check the journal's own submission guidelines on this.

[07:58] Mike Bennett: The Journal guidelines do not include a limit on the size.

[07:58] Mike Bennett: Current issue has articles of up to 30 pages.

[07:58] Mike Bennett: So we don't need to ask.

[07:58] Mike Bennett: So the above is good to go. Maybe we don't even need to say a number of pages, and just say "submission of long and short papers" will cover it.

[07:59] Mike Bennett: So with the above all agreed, we can send the above email (minus question marks, with tweaks as above), we are good to go:

[08:00] Mike Bennett: Next step: agree this with the editors, agreed dates i.e. what edition it will be in.

[08:00] Mike Bennett: Who do we send this to, to agree dates / issue?

[08:00] Mike Bennett: Andrea will reach out to Michael Gruninger on this.

[08:01] Mike Bennett: Once we have the dates agreed we can immediate4ly start puiblicising this through the lists, website, blog and so on.

[08:02] Mike Bennett: Minutes: Ken.

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